Voluntas Dei Institute
Sri Lanka District in Formation
In General
On July 02, 1958, Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I., brought together ten youngmen at the Chapel of Our Lady of La Salette, in a suberb of Troi-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada. This meetinf laid the foundations of the Voluntas Dei Institute, an undertaking which had its beginnings in faith ond poverty.That group grew rapidly and within few years more young men joined from all over the world such as Canada, the USA, Asia, West Idies and South Africa.In 1959, the first missionaries left for Laos and arround 1965 a group of married men, Laotian catechists, were accepted into the Institute. Later, in 1974, the Institute welcomed married couples into its teams.The Voluntas Dei Institute was granted the status of Secular Institue of Diocesan Right in 1965. Twenty two years later, in 1987, the Voluntas Dei Institute was recognized as a secular institute of Pontifical Right.Today, these members bring the Good News to 14 countries: Canada, the United States, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Scotland, India, Italy, Laos and Sri Lanka.
In Sri Lanka
The first native Bishop of Jaffna in Sri Lanka, Rt.Rev.Dr.Jerome Emilianuspillai, O.M.I.(1950-1972)is still remembered for his intuitive mind and vision. He took part in all the sessions of the Second Vatican Council and quietly introduced the changes in his diocese which were recommended in the council. It was during the coucil that Fr.Parent went to Rome and made it a point to share his views with the bishops of the mission countries. Bishop Emilianuspillai was able to see in the Institute Voluntas Dei a boon for the diocese. He missed no time in establishing a lastin contact with Fr.Parent and the institute Voluntas Dei.
In 1963, the seminarians and two promising lay youngsters were sent to Canada to join the Institute Voluntas Dei and have their training. After then ecclesiastical studies and formation the seminarians were ordained and worked in different parts of the Jaffna diocese. These priests made a lasting impression in the parishes they worked, namely, Kilinochchi and Sillalai in Jaffna, and Pallimunai, Vankalai and Cheddikulam (since 1981 in the Mannar diocese).
The Founder of the Institute, Fr.Louis-Marie Parent came to Mirusuvil by train on May 27, 1975 and on the following day laid the foundation stone for the new house for the institute Voluntas Dei at Muhamalai. this house, named after its founder,'Paren Illam' (Parent Home) on completion was declared open by the Bishop of Jaffna, Rt.Rev.Dr.Deogupillai on February 10, 1976.
The priests, seminarians, celibate laymen and married couples in the Institute though small in number make their presence felt in the presbyterium of the diocese, in the seminary, in the working places and wherever they are as salt and yeast. Their influence and impact in the diocese is phenomenal as they make themselves part and parcel of the activities and work programmes of the diocese just as any other diocesan clergy. The married people in the Instiute also try to be exemplary units of love and sharing.